Monday 28 July 2014

Diet plan for Beginners

Your Diet

The diet portion is simple. Don't freak out on me because you think that you are going to have to be on some strict diet and won't be able to eat what you like. This is definitely not the case! Basically, I think that you should be eating about 4 meals per day. I say meals, but I don't mean eat until you are going to bust with every meal that you eat. By the time you get done eating, you should feel comfortable and satisfied.
Before we get started, get the idea that you have to eat an enormous amount of protein in order to gain muscle out of your head!! I'm going to make this very easy for you in choosing the right foods. Stay away from 99% of processed foods. That's it! Some exceptions to this are: all natural foods such as all natural peanut butter, salsa, gluten-free bread, white corn chips, etc. All fruits and vegetables are good to eat, you really can't eat too many of them. However, stay away from fruit juices; the sugar content is outrageous. Be smart about the foods that you choose by looking at the nutrition facts on the back of the label.

Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. I've already gone into specific amounts of each that are recommended in previous articles, so there is no need in repeating myself. However, I will list good sources of each!

Carbohydrates: all vegetables and fruits, pasta, rice, bread (nonwhite, gluten-free), oatmeal (the real stuff, not the instant packets with loads of sugar), grits, cream of wheat, tortillas, and tortilla chips (not too many).

Protein: all lean meats including: skim milk, baked chicken, baked fish, lean steak, eggs, soy, and turkey.

Fats: olive oil, peanut oil, nuts, avocados, salad dressings, and cottage cheese. I've listed many examples, and if you still have questions on what to eat, or if you have a special diet that you have to follow and need to know what to eat, just e-mail me.

You want to make sure that you incorporate a variety of foods for every meal. Take it a little easy with the fats since they do release more calories per gram than protein and carbohydrates combined. Also, don't go overboard with the protein, you don't have to eat an astronomical amount of protein to gain muscle. Drink plenty of water, at least one gallon every day. Stay away from fried foods, foods high in saturated fats, and foods high in refined sugar.

Don't worry; you don't have to eat clean every meal for the rest of your life. You can squeeze in a bad meal every 3-4 days and eat whatever you want for that meal!

If you are just starting out, and you decide to follow this plan, I guarantee results! For further questions, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.
Good Luck!